Pictures (jpegs) available upon request via e-mail:



  1. Gilson Minipuls II - 4-channel - $450
  2. ISCO Tris – inquire
  3. LKB pump – inquire
  4. Masterflex drive, controller, and easy-load head, used - $275
  5. Masterflex drive, controller, and easy-load head, NEW - $400
  6. Rainin Rabbit Plus – inquire
  7. Rainin RP-1(made by Gilson) - digital, 4-channel, current model - $850
  8. Watson Marlow 601S - high-capacity - $650


  1. Alcatel 2008A - direct drive, 7 cfm, single phase - $850
  2. Edwards E2M5 - direct drive, 4 cfm, single phase - $725
  3. Edwards E2M8 - direct drive, 7 cfm, single phase - $850
  4. Gast 1531-107-G 288 - small oilless - $125
  5. GeneVac CVP50 - for concentration - $750
  6. Lamert Pump Division - 1/3 hp direct-drive refrigeration - $225
  7. Leybold TriVac D8A - direct drive, 7 cfm, single phase - $800
  8. Precision DD20 - direct drive - $275Precision VacTorr Direct Drive 100 - $500
  9. Sargeant Welch 1400 Duo Seal - belt-driven - $500
  10. Sargeant Welch DirectTorr 8821 - direct-drive, 7 cfm - $750
  11. VWR - oilless (made by Gast) - $175


  1. Harvard 901 - infusion/withdrawal syringe pump - inquire
  2. Harvard syringe pump, old - inquire
  3. Instech model 230 - digital syringe pump, nice, holds ten syringes - $950
  4. Iwaki MD-55LFY - magnet pump, NEW, needs plug - $125
  5. KD Scientific 100 syringe pump – inquire
  6. KD Scientific 230 syringe pump – inquire
  7. Nice blue metering pump – inquire
  8. Sage 352 syringe pump – inquire
  9. Sage 361 AT1 Orion Syringe pump – inquire
  10. Travenol AS2F - mini syringe pump
  11. Tuthill 9697 PC - high-pressure pump w/remote control


--------------------------------------And many other units available please inquire